
We appreciate the stories, thoughts and prayers of both those who knew Jaxon and those who've only heard stories of him.

We turned off the guestbook but plan to leave the existing comments up for as long as possible.

Who was Jaxon?

Jaxon Kent Logan. Who am I? Well there are several obvious things about who I am, such as; I am the youngest of four children. I have two dogs, two birds and a cat named frosty. I have lived in Palmer all of my life - even being born at Valley Hospital. Now, these are the boring facts, but who really cares, I want to tell you who I really am.

First of all, let me share what I like. I started skating at age four around our family ice rink, holding onto the back of a chair. That was the beginning of a love affair with hockey. I have been skating for over 12 years and have played hockey for 9 years. I love the sport because it requires coordination, skill and discipline. It has been a family tradition starting with my dad playing hockey in school, followed by my older brother Dustin playing for Palmer High School and now I trail in their footsteps. I started snowboarding three years ago. I love being outdoors and I love the snow. It is my source of entertainment, which brings me to my favorite activity - snowmobiling. If I am not going 100 miles an hour then I am just not happy. I spend a lot of winter days on my sled. It is a time to be with friends and with my family. It is also a time to be alone. I can get on my sled and just go. I can forget any troubles I may be having. It is my way of releasing stress. Even during the summer months, I can be found sitting on my snow machine dreaming of the winter days past and those to come. In the land of the midnight sun, I fill the long days with fishing and hunting. I started fishing when I was old enough of hold a pole. My dad would strap me to the back of the truck and I would fish with him until I caught my limit. To this day, my dad and I are still great at getting up at 4:00am to slay the Silvers.

I am glad I live in Alaska; it gives me the chance to have fun things to do because one thing I do not like is to be bored. I like being busy. I hate the feeling of not having something to do. It gives me a feeling of being worthless. I wonder why I am sitting at home when all my friends are out having fun. I like to be involved and doing something worthwhile. I also do not like zucchini. No matter how my mom tries to disguise it, zucchini bread, zucchini soup, zucchini in stir fry, it all tastes the same - like zucchini. And I do not like zucchini - any way!

So far I have shared what I like and what I do not like. However, to find out who I really am, one would have to understand my beliefs, because my life to this point has been strongly shaped by those principles. I believe it is important to stand for something. The standards I have chosen to follow give me a guideline for my life. I have decided to stay away from drugs or drinking alcohol. I want to be honest when dealing with other people. I think it is important to be kind and to treat other with respect, especially with girls. A lot of my friends, who are girls, appreciate the way I treat them. I don't say inappropriate comments to get a laugh from my buddies. I would rather have the respect from the girls anyway. I even open the car door for my mom. I believe in the principles of strong families and good marriages. These lessons were taught to me by my parents. I also believe that it is important to have a spiritual side. My parents taught me about prayer and religion. Through my own personal study and prayer I have come to find out the truth of these things for myself. The things I have learned will be the foundation for the rest of my life and my family's life to come.

My likes and dislikes an my beliefs and behaviors have created me. I am Jaxon Kent Logan.

Written by Jaxon - 2002

453 AdiMarch 10, 2019
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
Be still and know that I’m with you
Be still and know that I’m here

If terror falls upon your bed
And sleep no longer comes
Remember all the words I said
Be still, be still, and know

If you forget the way to go
And lose where you came from
If no one is standing beside you
Be still and know I am

These lyrics came on in my car, and made me think of you. 💙 Missinf you, my friend.
452 Tarra Dotzauer September 21, 2018
How did you know Jaxon? Cousins
Hey Jaxson man !! Your family we all miss you so much. I read the most wonderful article about you the other day BYU published it.

The article said that you actually made an assist with the deadly puck that you loved it so much that unfortunately took you away from too soon. You left this world after making the most amazing assist anyone can ever possibly make in their lifetime.

I'm your older cousin. We didn 't get to play together as much because I didn't live in Alaska but i visited there allot. I heard so much about you since my mom and brother lived in Alaska and manubfuhejeeebejeevmy Grier mom your aunt Ronna moved back I know you got to spend time with them unfortunately I have left in Washington. You're still my cousin and I still love you and miss you dearly. I am a very proud cousin. We all love you so much JaxsonI heard so much about you sincese
451 AdiAugust 26, 2018
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
Shortly after your death I went into a bookstore and bought an album that I would listen to on repeat for over a year. I never knew how healing + comforting music could be, until then.

I stumbled upon that album today.

“The tide in the harbor is swelling
The waves rushing into my ears
A song in the wind now is telling
You are here
Through the years and the days
While were so far away
You’ve created a way to be close
There’s more than meets the eye
To the stars that grace the sky
The hands that made man to be
Are the hands that keep ushering me
Through this life”

It’s amazing how hearing the first line of that song brought back all those emotions. I’m glad that He created a way for you to still be close. 💙

450 Tara raleighJuly 29, 2018
How did you know Jaxon? Big sister
Hey Jax, just thinking of you and your amazing family today. Send your momma some extra love today. Can’t wait to hug you one day xoxoxo love you little brother 💙
449 Darcy LoganJune 16, 2018
How did you know Jaxon? I am his momma
I don't write as often, but thoughts of you are daily. I continue to learn from this entire experience and although the lessons and understanding have come with sadness, I think I am a better person because of it. It has caused reflection and pondering about the purpose of our lives. What I have come up with is that we have a chance to become kinder, wiser, more compassionate people as we strive to become like the Savior. He endured and so can I with patience, love, faith and hope. Love you my son.
448 DadMay 14, 2018
How did you know Jaxon? Dad
Happy Birthday where ever in the universe you are today!
447 AdiJanuary 27, 2018
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
We love + miss you friend. 💙
446 Mike LoganJanuary 21, 2018
How did you know Jaxon? Dad
Your Mom just spent the last hour with Dustin, Melinda and their children showing the memories she has collected from your life and death. We love you and the good influence you were and are. Dad and Mom
445 Mike LoganDecember 1, 2017
How did you know Jaxon? Dad
Hello Buddy, I see your influence in our community and know you are actively working to help people make it home. Thanks for the great example you were on this earth. Dad
444 Cassie September 28, 2017
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
I guess what I mean to say is it doesn't seem to get easier with time.. I miss you every day. Lately, (more than usual) I have been thinking of all the memories we had together. I learned so much from you and your unconditional love and care for others. I was browsing through old pictures today and there were so many of you. Love and miss you. Xoxo
443 CassieSeptember 28, 2017
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
I miss you. The pain doesn't stop.
442 Candice BaumSeptember 16, 2017
How did you know Jaxon? From church youth activities
441 JenMay 29, 2017
How did you know Jaxon? I didn't
I never met Jaxon but love the game of hockey. Being a fan of one of the greatest games, I understand why he blocked that shot, to give his team a winning chance. I volunteered for BYU's hockey team my last year of college and always found myself staring at his banner hanging at Seven Peaks Ice Arena in Provo every game. I found myself wondering what kind of person he was. After reading several messages, I know that he truly is a special person. He is someone who I have been inspired by to be better and he is such a wonderful example to everyone; even someone like me who never had the pleasure of meeting him in person. I can tell how much he is loved and thought about everyday. I know that Heavenly Father had a special work for him to do. Please know that your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing your son, brother, friend with the world.
440 anthony bishopJanuary 22, 2017
How did you know Jaxon? i don't know him
i am sad for the lost
439 MelindaJanuary 21, 2017
How did you know Jaxon? Sister
You would have had fun with the kids today. Xander had a hockey game and did great. He gave it 115% for you. Jacob snowboarder all day and Paxton and Zoe skied. It was a fun day. Miss you.
438 Michael LoganJanuary 21, 2017
How did you know Jaxon? Father
What a wonderful day as we remember our life with and without you. Many of your close friends have reached out to remember, laugh and cry with us. We love you and the memory of you and look forward to seeing you in the future!
437 DarcyJanuary 20, 2017
How did you know Jaxon? mom
Hey Jax-man - I just sit here and look at your pictures over and over again. I love remembering - remembering when you were a little boy. I loved those quiet moments in the night as I held you in my arms. I loved watching you skate with the chair on our ice skating rink when you were just a little boy. You were determined. I loved watching you play hockey - we spent a lot of hours doing that. I loved when you sat on the bar stool in the kitchen and watched me cook, as we talked. I loved the way you could always get me to see things your way - your smile got me every time. I love remembering your smile - that is what brings tears - because I miss that smile. I love remembering about every aspect of your life and I will love you forever and ever. Sending a momma's hug to heaven.
436 AdiJanuary 8, 2017
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
Off to Wyoming we go, I couldn't help but think of you + how much you'd love to snowmachine there. I even think some of those sled videos you'd make me watch were filmed in the town we will be living in. It's funny how so many things bring us back to those we love + miss. Our hearts are funny that way I suppose. Xoxo
435 MikeSeptember 15, 2016
How did you know Jaxon? Dad
Standing on a mountain top last week thinking of the last time You, Dustin and I were hunting together. What a great memory. Thanks!
434 AdiJune 30, 2016
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
Sometimes it feels like so long ago, and the sting isn't so fresh. Days like today it feels like just yesterday, and it's raw. Love you my friend, I treasure our memories. 💙
433 LisaApril 19, 2016
How did you know Jaxon? Came across this site
I came across this site & for some reason felt compelled to read it. I spent hours reading through everything. Jaxson seems like a wonderful man, the type I would like my son to grow up & emulate. I'm from Philadelphia & my son plays hockey in the DVHL, he is a squirt. I will pray for the Logan family. I truly believe God does things for a reason & we all have a path & purpose. 11 is my favorite # as it was my # on sports teams as well. Jaxon will now be remembered in my thoughts & prayers. I hope Jaxson look down on my son who actually just turned 11 & inspire him. Thank you to the Logan family for sharing their son with the world. He's truly inspiring.
432 Jonathan LyonJanuary 21, 2016
How did you know Jaxon? Just met him today through his mom
What a wonderful tribute! I have a little boy of 9 and I see a lot of him in the pictures of Jaxon. There is no way I can imagine how you friends and family feel. But it looks like you have mastered the balance of missing him and celebrating his life. He had to have been a special guy to have come from such a special family.
431 DarcyJanuary 21, 2016
How did you know Jaxon? mom
I don't know quite how, but my heart just always seems to sense what day it is - and just for today - let me cry. Just for day, let me think about you, the memories, the day you were born, the laughter you brought, the special relationship we shared. As I sat in church on Sunday, we sang, I Believe in Christ. I could not sing the words without crying. I was missing you, but it was more tears of gratitude for what the Savior has done for you, for me, for our family. I love the last line: "I believe in Christ; he stands supreme! From him I'll gain my fondest dream; And while I strive through grief and pain, His voice is heard: "Ye shall obtain," I believe in Christ; so come what may, With him I'll stand in that great day when on this earth he comes again to rule among the sons of men." My fondest dream is to have my family eternally. It is because of the Savior I know this will happen. So, how can I not reverence His name and be eternally grateful for His sacrifice. I know this deeply in my heart. Jax-man, I miss you today; I missed your yesterday and I know I will miss you tomorrow; however, I also know I will see you again. Love your momma
430 Billy RoseJanuary 20, 2016
How did you know Jaxon? Family
No words, just a heart full of love. Miss you everyday.
429 Melinda January 20, 2016
How did you know Jaxon? brother
You must watch over the kids because they all talk about you as if they know exactly who you are even though Xander was just a baby when you left us. Paxton said he misses you and Zoe said she wants to give you a hug. So lots of hugs from us. We miss and love you.
428 TinaJanuary 20, 2016
How did you know Jaxon? lil brother
You are missed everyday, but especially today as I prepare a talk on Commotio Cordis for a school project. It's hard to believe tomorrow will be 11 years... Always stay close, Jax! XOXOXOXOXO I love you!
427 Chauri August 14, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? Lil brother
Just missing you Jaxon. I get to spend the weekend with Dustin and Cortney and I love my time with them...but there is always something missing. I just want to be able to put my arm around you and them. Love you
426 DarcyJuly 17, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? he is mine
Hey Son ~ just thinking of you. Tina gave me a hand-made turtle for my birthday...she made it. It has the cutest smile on it's face. I have it sitting right here on my desk - looking at me. I am sure that if you were here - you would have that same cute look - smiling at me. In fact, I am sure you do look at me - all the time and you are smiling. I feel your happiness. Ten plus years have come and gone and still in my heart - it is like yesterday. Never a day that doesn't include thoughts of you. Love you son.
425 MichaelJune 17, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? Dad
Just to let those who follow this site know that the puck that sits on Jaxon's grave site has returned. It went away for a small journey this Spring and has returned. Not sure if social medial helped or not but sure are glad to see it return.
424 AdiMay 14, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
Happy Birthday my friend.

Your mom gave me one of 'your' turtles before I left AK. It's breakable, so I don't let Fisher play with it. Every time he walks by it, he points and says 'don't touch, Jaxon's turtle"
with some sassy attitude in his voice. Kind of like you. :)
Love + miss you.

423 Andre CruzMarch 27, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
Just wanted to say hi and let you know I was thinking about Jaxon and all the Logans. BTW, our daughter, Sydney, will be going up to Alaska with Tina and Alyssa this summer. I know she'll love it. Take care.
422 Mike LoganMarch 4, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? Father
I understand there is a Jaxon in the Fox Family. What an honor. We heard about this from the Swenson family who were visiting in Hawaii. Sure would like pictures. I have tried to contact but been unable. Mike 907-841-9079 Please call.
421 Vikke FoxFebruary 25, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? My sons and daughters knew your Jaxon
My sons Jesse and Aaron Fox and daughters Liberty and Julie Fox knew Jaxon personally. They were there at the game with Jaxon. My son Jesse played for the Ice Cats before his mission. My children have never forgotten Jaxon and his beautiful spirit and example. He will live in all our hearts forever!!
420 Charlie GogginFebruary 20, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? Only his parents
I was transferred to Alaska December 2013. I met the Logans as a temple worker on Tuesday evenings. I was just given this website and been truly touched reading the entries. If only the rest of the world could have the love of this family. I am inspired this morning to do better and be better. Thank you Logan family for your example of Christ like love.
419 Barry CookJanuary 26, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? i met his parents on Palmer, Ak summer o
God bless your family on this 10th anniversary. Thank you for the Legacy of Jaxon and his commitment to his faith and to BYU.
418 Brennan BohmanJanuary 25, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
I saw this website last week and spent my whole English class reading the messages and trying not to get emotional as I read them. It amazes me how even ten years later the impact that you have had on so many lives and specifically my own. I used a little bit of your story in a talk I gave and I talked about how we need to be shepherds through our examples and how you were always an example to me of what a home teacher should be. I have the fondest of memories having you and your dad coming over bringing us your moms awesome cookies and always expressing your genuine love to my family. I am so thankful for the amazing men I have had in my life and the amazing brothers I have been given. And I will always consider you my brother and I can't wait to see you again and challenge you to a wrestling match. Maybe then you will let me win. Rock on Jaxon my brother, my friend, my example.
417 Vicky HustonJanuary 23, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? family friend
Love you and your family Jaxon. Your memory lives on!
416 KristineJanuary 23, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? friend
Miss you Jaxon! Our spur of the moment adventures will never be forgotten. So glad to have met you at youth conference and fly ✈️down and visit you while you lived in Utah! My favorite memories are running in the down pouring rain laughing (we we dripping wet head to toe), tipping over the 🚣canoe in the lake, 🎶dancing at church dances and you being my date to my sisters wedding! Saw you entire family at Piccolinos last year. I just had to walk in the back room and cry. I couldn't take their table because I was too overwhelmed with emotions. I was caught off guard seeing them that day, but managed to pull myself together enough to go over and say hello. A rock climbing gym opened in Wasilla called Rock-on climbing! Always reminds me of you when I see their posts on facebook. 💕
415 RussellJanuary 23, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? fan at a game
I never met Jaxon but I was there at the game when he died. It broke our hearts to see. I've often thought of Jaxon through the years even though we never met. I just stumbled upon this page and I'm happy to see that Jaxon was a great young man.
414 TeJanuary 23, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? church
i will be thinking of you today Darcy and Mike
413 Patty Mazonna-JonesJanuary 22, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? P-Town Peers
I just want to take a moment and say Thank you for this wonderful page about an Awesome Man! I knew Jaxon my whole life, both born at Valley Hospital, both were Swanson Squirels/Sherrod Panthers & Palmer Moose. I always thought of him as a dear, thoughtful, loving and caring friend and think of him often. I tell his story of how he lived and still remember the church being packed as we all said farewell for now. Jax is dearly missed and will never be forgotten. Love you Action Jaxon! P-Town forever!
412 LindseyJanuary 22, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? friend
Thinking about you this week. You were such a wonderful and understanding guy. I'm blessed to have known you, even for such a short time.
411 MelindaJanuary 22, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? Sister
My thoughts were with you all day yesterday. I'm Grateful to be apart of the Logan family and have you as my little brother. Xander and jacob love to hear stories of you and to look at your pictures. I wish you were here to spend time with them. Miss and love you.
410 SaraJanuary 21, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? ...
Its a special day and I have been happy to fill it thinking and speaking of you. ❤❤❤
409 JakeJanuary 21, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? family
Miss you bud keep an eye on my boys for the next couple weeks love ya rock on !!!
408 DarcyJanuary 21, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? mom
I went to sleep with you on my mind and woke up with you on mind. The last time I talked to you was about this time - standing at the side of the bed - talking to you about dental work, missionary papers and most important - the hockey game that night. I can still hear you voice in my mind. Your were so excited. I am so grateful that our last words were, "I love you guys," from you and your dad said, "love you son," and I said, "love you Jax-man." A love that will never end. It is hard to believe it has been 10 years. I often wonder when I look at your pictures - what you look like now. I am certain though, it makes no difference. I will always know you. Thinking of you today, Jaxon, in memory of the day you went home. I love you. your momma
407 Tylan BohnanJanuary 21, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? We grew up together
Jaxon and I were running around his house trying to fight with therabands (physical therapy bands). I had him on the ground and was about to whip him with the band but on my upstroke I caught his mom's Norman Rockwell painted bowl and ripped it off the wall puting a big gouge in the new flooring. I remember at the time I felt really bad but now it just seems funny. That was just one of many experiences we had together... fireworks wars, stick wars, making booby traps... I couldn't have wished for a more genuine and loyal friend.
406 Billy RoseJanuary 20, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? Family
Love you AJ.
405 Brian HJanuary 20, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? BYU Hockey
Miss you Jaxon. I'm still rocking the JKL11 sticker on my helmet. Rock on!
404 Benjamin cookJanuary 20, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? only in spirit
I never had the chance to meet you but my wife and I absolutely love your family, they have been a great blessing in our lives since our moved to Alaska and we love them very much. I am looking forward to meeting you sometime when I have finished my work on this earth. God Speed
403 Benjamin cookJanuary 20, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? I didn't but I have had the pleasure to
I never had the chance to meet you but my wife and I absolutely love your family, they have been a great blessing in our lives since our moved to Alaska and we love them very much. I am looking forward to meeting you sometime when I have finished my work on this earth. God Speed
402 EstrellaJanuary 20, 2015
How did you know Jaxon? cousin
Ive been thinking about you a lot lately cousin! I just signed my 5 year old son up for hockey skating lessons and couldn't help but wish you were the one teaching him. I told him I had the best teacher my cousin JAXON! Love and miss you.
401 Melinda October 1, 2014
How did you know Jaxon? sister
Thinking about you today. And if you happen to be capable of divine interventions will you please help Xander be happy.
400 MichaelSeptember 24, 2014
How did you know Jaxon? Dad
Jaxon, I was riding the bike down the road today and thought how much fun it would be to do this with my boy's. Someday in another world, who knows, there may not be Harley's but we will be together!
399 Ronna OlsenSeptember 19, 2014
How did you know Jaxon? My nephew
Missing you and thinking of you Jaxon!I think of you often...... when I'm at the beach, I collect "heart rocks" and turtles for you and your Mom's collection.
Love Aunt Ronna
398 Jacob June 5, 2014
How did you know Jaxon? Brother
I miss you bud ROCK ON !!!!
397 Jacob May 14, 2014
How did you know Jaxon? Brother
Happy Birthday ROCK ON!!!!!
396 DarcyJanuary 27, 2014
How did you know Jaxon? his mom
The day came and went, but was filled with thoughts of you. Although 9 years - it still seems like yesterday. The only thing different is all that I have learned in these nine years. I have learned to trust the will of the Lord and to find peace with life. It is amazing that one young man could affect so many other people's lives for the best ~ Jaxon ~ you have and continue to do so.....especially mine. I love you more than words can do justice. Thank you Jax - I send a hug and kiss heavenward.....love you.
395 Melinda January 21, 2014
How did you know Jaxon? sister
Think of you today and missing you. Yesterday we took the family ice skating. You would be proud of your nephews, they have turned out to be good little skaters. Xander is now a squirt and Jacob a Mite in hockey. They both always want to be number 11 to take after you and their Dad. It is fun to still see Logan 11 in on the ice. Love and miss you.
394 SaraJanuary 21, 2014
How did you know Jaxon? ....
At this point, what is there to say? Other than that I love you and I'm grateful for all that you have taught me and continue to teach me. I hope I'm doing us both proud.
393 Kristine ArnoldDecember 10, 2013
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
They are opening a gym in Wasilla this week called Rock On Climbing!!!! So reminded me of you!!! Miss all the fun adventures we had....canoeing, EFY, running in the rain...You will forever be in my heart!!! <3 <3
392 MIchaelNovember 27, 2013
How did you know Jaxon? His Dad
Just to let you know the TT is really fun in the snow. It has been a long time since I have had so much fun driving a car in the snow. Hope all is well in your world. Dad
391 AdiSeptember 14, 2013
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
The last few weeks have been filled with tears & heartache as a family has lost two of their Sons, Brothers, Fathers, husbands and friends. I couldn't help being angry, it was such a loss for this family & for our little Palmer town. Why? Why do these innocent children have to grow up without their Dads? Why do two wives have to struggle, without their husbands? And why does this Mother have to bury her sons? My thoughts went straight to you. I remember thinking, a Mother should never have to bury her son. The last time I was at that place for a funeral was yours. In fact, I had not attended a funeral since yours. During their funeral your Dad spoke, I couldn't hold back the tears. His words were so inviting & comforting. These boys were taken doing something they loved to do, just like you. I can remember that bringing me some small bit of comfort when you passed. Knowing you were happy on that ice. I know they were happy in the air. I am so thankful for the Plan of Salvation, I wish it was something you could share as easily as a hug, for those who don't know. Even though it causes most of our pain & suffering, I'm thankful for Free Agency. The ability to choose what we will do with our time & life here on earth. However, in my world you would have been sick that day, not able to play, and their plane wouldn't have started for takeoff.
I know these families will be reunited again one day, and that we will get an answer to all the 'whys' - what a wonderful day that will be. I'm betting you're up there flying with the boys, it puts a smile on my face.
390 JacobSeptember 1, 2013
How did you know Jaxon? Brother
Jaxon you've been on my mind often these last couple weeks a lot more than usual. As the time goes by it seems to get harder. I think all the things in life I wish you were here for. Last week at Briggs birthday party I kept thinking to myself man I wish Jaxon were here. I find myself talking about you and it still takes a moment to realize you are not here. Im sitting here paying you a visit and I look forward to the day I see you again. I love you and miss you. ROCK ON !!!!!!
389 SaraAugust 30, 2013
How did you know Jaxon? ...
There are days when the world gets a bit smaller and I'm reunited with people because of you. A student in one of my classes at the college sent me an email eight years ago asking for Jaxon stickers for his peewee team. He knew my name looked familiar, but not until hearing me mention a hockey player I had lost did he put it all together.... Memories of you make me smile. We still think of you often here. Thanks for everything.
388 MIchaelAugust 4, 2013
How did you know Jaxon? Dad
I had an interesting morning. I awoke @ 4 AM and could not go back to sleep. I found out the next day the Silvers had arrived @ Jim Creek in numbers that morning. All those many years of heading out @ 4 AM, the Silvers are calling. I miss You! Tight Lines, Dad
387 JakeJuly 4, 2013
How did you know Jaxon? Brother
Happy 4th Jax I miss ya bud. Love ya ROCK ON !!!
386 MichaelJune 18, 2013
How did you know Jaxon? His Father
Well son with the passing of Father's Day we are into the Summer full speed ahead. Rivers are high due to hot weather and it looks like we are in for a beautiful one. Look forward to when we can wet a line together.
385 Karyn KeysMay 14, 2013
How did you know Jaxon? Palmer High School
Jaxon *

(Not sure why it changed your name)
384 Karyn KeysMay 14, 2013
How did you know Jaxon? Palmer High School
Happy Birthday Logan.

You are certainly missed.

- k
383 SaraMay 14, 2013
How did you know Jaxon? ...
Our birthday week! It's a great one, as always. Keep smiling, and thanks for everything!
382 Dustin May 14, 2013
How did you know Jaxon? Brother
Happy Birthday little bro.
381 AlexApril 24, 2013
How did you know Jaxon? School Project
Jaxon , you've been kind of a role model to me . I play hockey as well & I can say that I love it . I did a project in grade 5 about you . Today I'm in grade 7 . You seem like a nice guy . I've been playing hockey for at least 3 years . When I heard this story about how you died during a game , it made me realize that you accomplished your dream . Now its time for me to do the same . Work Hard . As every hockey coach would say . It must been hard for your family , to go thru this . You were 19 . When I have my first hockey game , I'll give a shout out to you for helping me not give up .
380 CortneyMarch 29, 2013
How did you know Jaxon? sis
Hey Jax,
I was just talking to my other lil brother and we were talking about how much Cole looks like you. I had to laugh going through the pictures because I can totally see Lanie right now in you and Chaur. I love that they have that connection. Thanks for taking care of Josh. It's amazing that even though you are no longer here on this earth, you are still doing missionary work. He feels that connection with you and I know that you are looking out for him. Miss you brother. As we celebrate this Easter weekend I am reminded not only of the Atonement and the sacrifice that Christ made for us, but that because of Him I will get to be with you again. Love you.
379 MichaelMarch 11, 2013
How did you know Jaxon? Dad

Your name came up in conversation last night. As usual it was a positive conversation. Hope all is well.

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