
We appreciate the stories, thoughts and prayers of both those who knew Jaxon and those who've only heard stories of him.

We turned off the guestbook but plan to leave the existing comments up for as long as possible.

Who was Jaxon?

Jaxon Kent Logan. Who am I? Well there are several obvious things about who I am, such as; I am the youngest of four children. I have two dogs, two birds and a cat named frosty. I have lived in Palmer all of my life - even being born at Valley Hospital. Now, these are the boring facts, but who really cares, I want to tell you who I really am.

First of all, let me share what I like. I started skating at age four around our family ice rink, holding onto the back of a chair. That was the beginning of a love affair with hockey. I have been skating for over 12 years and have played hockey for 9 years. I love the sport because it requires coordination, skill and discipline. It has been a family tradition starting with my dad playing hockey in school, followed by my older brother Dustin playing for Palmer High School and now I trail in their footsteps. I started snowboarding three years ago. I love being outdoors and I love the snow. It is my source of entertainment, which brings me to my favorite activity - snowmobiling. If I am not going 100 miles an hour then I am just not happy. I spend a lot of winter days on my sled. It is a time to be with friends and with my family. It is also a time to be alone. I can get on my sled and just go. I can forget any troubles I may be having. It is my way of releasing stress. Even during the summer months, I can be found sitting on my snow machine dreaming of the winter days past and those to come. In the land of the midnight sun, I fill the long days with fishing and hunting. I started fishing when I was old enough of hold a pole. My dad would strap me to the back of the truck and I would fish with him until I caught my limit. To this day, my dad and I are still great at getting up at 4:00am to slay the Silvers.

I am glad I live in Alaska; it gives me the chance to have fun things to do because one thing I do not like is to be bored. I like being busy. I hate the feeling of not having something to do. It gives me a feeling of being worthless. I wonder why I am sitting at home when all my friends are out having fun. I like to be involved and doing something worthwhile. I also do not like zucchini. No matter how my mom tries to disguise it, zucchini bread, zucchini soup, zucchini in stir fry, it all tastes the same - like zucchini. And I do not like zucchini - any way!

So far I have shared what I like and what I do not like. However, to find out who I really am, one would have to understand my beliefs, because my life to this point has been strongly shaped by those principles. I believe it is important to stand for something. The standards I have chosen to follow give me a guideline for my life. I have decided to stay away from drugs or drinking alcohol. I want to be honest when dealing with other people. I think it is important to be kind and to treat other with respect, especially with girls. A lot of my friends, who are girls, appreciate the way I treat them. I don't say inappropriate comments to get a laugh from my buddies. I would rather have the respect from the girls anyway. I even open the car door for my mom. I believe in the principles of strong families and good marriages. These lessons were taught to me by my parents. I also believe that it is important to have a spiritual side. My parents taught me about prayer and religion. Through my own personal study and prayer I have come to find out the truth of these things for myself. The things I have learned will be the foundation for the rest of my life and my family's life to come.

My likes and dislikes an my beliefs and behaviors have created me. I am Jaxon Kent Logan.

Written by Jaxon - 2002

303 DarcyMay 31, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? mom
Just thinking about you today and the impact your life has had on so many and your memory, your life, your love of life - lives on. While going through your foot locker that I have kept I found one of your Bugs Bunny t-shirts - and I decided to wear it today - while I work outside. You once told me that although you did not like doing yard as much as I did, you were very happy that I loved doing all the flowers and gardens because you loved how it made our home look, when I was all done. So, I will take a little memory of you outside with me today, while I make our outside wilderness look beautiful. I think of you all the time when I am outside - just because I know how much you loved the outdoors. I have your little turtles tucked away all through the gardens and each one brings a special thought of you. Enjoy the sunshine with me today. Love and missing you - always. XXOO Mom
302 AlinaMay 26, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? Friends
I miss you tons Jaxon!!! You have been on my mind a lot lately. I could never ask to have had a better friend. You will continue to mean the world to me. :)
301 CortneyMay 14, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? sister
Happy Birthday Jax. I baked you some Vanilla Raspberry Filled cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting. They were good :) Love you buddy.
300 JacobMay 14, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? brother
happy birhtday bud love ya
299 SaraMay 14, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? ...
Happy Birthday, Big Guy... I think about you often, but you know that. I love that our birthdays are so close together. May birthdays are the best. Love you lots.
298 momMay 1, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? his mom
Just thinking about you tonight. Love mom
297 SaraApril 27, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? ...
Hey Jax, little things remind me of you and always make me smile. Life moves fast, I'm sure you enjoy seeing us all take the wild ride. Keep smilin' with me. Thanks for everything.
296 John LoganApril 20, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? He's my cousin!
Not sure why, just feeling sentimental... I wish I would have had more time to spend with you, cuz. I'm sure I've said it before, maybe even here, but I miss you. And I'm not alone.
See you sooner than later I think...
: )
295 DarcyApril 3, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? his mom
I love Easter - for many reasons: the signs of spring not too far in the distance, the longer days, the warmer sunshine, the beginning of new life, the thoughts of flowers and gardens; however, what I love the most is the Easter message of hope - the Atonement, the Resurrection, the Savior, and the blessings of Eternal Families. Easter and thoughts of Jaxon go hand in hand. How grateful I am to know what I know and although we are separated now, it is only temporary. I am certain of that. Happy Easter Jaxon. Love Mom
294 cha'uriApril 1, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? i didn't
he sounded real cool dude i wish i did know him
293 elinaMarch 31, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? 99137761
gia ti kanis
292 CortneyMarch 28, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? sister
Jeff and I had to laugh this weekend when he baptised little Jaxon Schwenk - he couldn't get you out of his head and ended up calling him Jaxon Logan. Made me smile - like you had your hand in it. love you
291 cassieMarch 25, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? friend
Just wanted to tell you I love you and so much reminds me of you. thank you for always being there for me even now. You are an amazing person and these last 5 years have seemed like forever. Love you always.
290 Darcy LoganMarch 23, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? mom
Hey Jaxon - Just want to say I love you and good night. Mom
289 CortneyMarch 7, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? sister
Hey Jax - I'll let Mom share. I know she's excited! We all are. Take good care of our baby for us. I know you will. xo
288 DarcyFebruary 26, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? forever his momma
Hey Jaxon - I should probably let Jeff and Cortney share this....but, I am going to. Our number 9 grandchild will arrive in October. So, Dustin and Melinda's baby comes at the end of June and Jeff and Cortney's little one will be here in October. I know you love these little nieces (I am assuming one more will come)and nephews and I have felt you are a part of their lives. They all know you and love you. Take good care of them until their birthdays. You are always remembered. Love momma
287 AdiFebruary 26, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? .

We got a 1/2 foot of snow yesterday, everything is covered in a beautiful white blanket. Can't help but think this is what heaven must look like. Hopefully with some added heat! :)

Haylee sent me a letter Today and included the article that was written about you on February 19th. You are so loved Jaxon. When I opened the envelope the first thing I saw was a picture of your banner hanging in the arena. It instantly brought tears to my eyes.

I love you so much, and am so thankful for all you have done and continue to do for me.

Haylee May - Thanks for sending me your kind letter & the article. It means more than I could ever write. I love you lady.

Adi Mae
286 SaraFebruary 13, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? ...
Hey Jax,
I watch the olympics and the tragic death of the luge athlete from the country of Georgia. What an awful thing. Last night as I watched the opening ceremonies I saw his countrymen walk into the ceremonies carrying their flag at half mast, black bands on their arms. I broke down in tears.
I have heard of their doubt on if they should compete in the games, if they should continue in their individual olympic quests. I kept saying, "YES, you must compete. He wouldn't want you to quit. Keep him in your hearts and give it all you have."
Yet, when I saw their faces last night I broke down. My heart ached for them. I've been there. We've been there. I've been at that point when I felt that life shouldn't go on, can't go on.... I've had those doubts. Do we keep playing? Do we end everything? Do we do it in his honor? I've been there when we did decide to keep playing and you were constantly a part of things, that is all we could find comfort in.
Know that I love you Jax, we love you. I pray that his teammates will somehow find comfort. Find it in their hearts and guts to keep going, to try to absorb every moment so later they can tell him all about every feeling and emotion of the games.
Love you buddy, thanks for everything.
285 SaraFebruary 13, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? ...
Hey Jax,
I watch the olympics and the tragic death of the luge athlete from the country of Georgia. What an awful thing. Last night as I watched the opening ceremonies I saw his countrymen walk into the ceremonies carrying their flag at half mast, black bands on their arms. I broke down in tears.
I have heard of their doubt on if they should compete in the games, if they should continue in their individual olympic quests. I kept saying, "YES, you must compete. He wouldn't want you to quit. Keep him in your hearts and give it all you have."
Yet, when I saw their faces last night I broke down. My heart ached for them. I've been there. We've been there. I've been at that point when I felt that life shouldn't go on, can't go on.... I've had those doubts. Do we keep playing? Do we end everything? Do we do it in his honor? I've been there when we did decide to keep playing and you were constantly a part of things, that is all we could find comfort in.
Know that I love you Jax, we love you. I pray that his teammates will somehow find comfort. Find it in their hearts and guts to keep going, to try to absorb every moment so later they can tell him all about every feeling and emotion of the games.
Love you buddy, thanks for everything.
284 SaraFebruary 13, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? ...
Hey Jax,
I watch the olympics and the tragic death of the luge athlete from the country of Georgia. What an awful thing. Last night as I watched the opening ceremonies I saw his countrymen walk into the ceremonies carrying their flag at half mast, black bands on their arms. I broke down in tears.
I have heard of their doubt on if they should compete in the games, if they should continue in their individual olympic quests. I kept saying, "YES, you must compete. He wouldn't want you to quit. Keep him in your hearts and give it all you have."
Yet, when I saw their faces last night I broke down. My heart ached for them. I've been there. We've been there. I've been at that point when I felt that life shouldn't go on, can't go on.... I've had those doubts. Do we keep playing? Do we end everything? Do we do it in his honor? I've been there when we did decide to keep playing and you were constantly a part of things, that is all we could find comfort in.
Know that I love you Jax, we love you. I pray that his teammates will somehow find comfort. Find it in their hearts and guts to keep going, to try to absorb every moment so later they can tell him all about every feeling and emotion of the games.
Love you buddy, thanks for everything.
283 SaraFebruary 10, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? ...
Hey Jax,
Sometimes are harder than others, I'm sure you know this. Recently it's been on the harder end of things... Last night I woke up crying, there were so many things going through my mind. Sometimes I can't make sense of it; but this I know, through the hard times or the not so hard times.... I will always think of you, always be grateful for what I've been taught through this incredibly trying experiance and will eternally be grateful for the love of your family... I hope they know how much I love them.
Thinking of you, Jax. Talk to you soon.
282 Adi January 26, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
I love and appreciate you, as a friend and as a Mother. Thank you for being such a wonderful person and raising such wonderful children. I love hugging you, it's like hugging Jaxon.

XoXo, Adi Mae

281 darcyJanuary 26, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? mom
Hey Adi Mae...I am going to use Jaxon's space to write to you. Have I told you lately...how much I love and appreciate you? I do! Thanks for sharing such a beautiful message. And I still cried, even waiting a few days to read it....but it was happy tears. And thanks for the hug the other day - I felt your love. Jaxon has wonderful friends and my heart is grateful for each one of you. Love Jaxon's mom
280 Adi MaeJanuary 22, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
Dearest Jaxers,
While I was still living in Utah, several months after you had passed I called home and with a lump in my throat making it hard to breathe - let alone speak, managed to sob �Dad when will it stop?� I wasn�t prepared for the answer he quickly whispered, �It will never go away Adi Mae � you don�t want it to, but I promise it will become less painful with time.� At the time I was almost angry, how could he believe I didn�t want this pain to stop? I wanted to forget, I wanted to erase January 21st 2005 from my life forever.
I quickly found there was no forgetting, no erasing, and no changing things that were said � or not said. Regardless of how hard I tried to push you from my thoughts, it was useless � you were constantly there. I would wake up wishing I hadn�t, hoping my dreams would take me far from you. I was so consumed with my own grief; I wasn�t allowing myself to see the full picture. Like most �siblings� you and I didn�t always see eye to eye, but like �siblings� we always knew the other was there when needed. You weren't there anymore, and I needed you. I later realized, not surprisingly, Dad was right � the last thing I wanted was to forget you. I wanted you here, home with your family � close to me.
I was dreading Christmas 2005, I didn�t want to return home again and be reminded of you everywhere I looked. I wanted no part in winter activities because you weren�t there, and winter was YOUR favorite. Finally, a few days before I was returning to Utah I mustered the courage to walk down the road and visit your Parents. As I started down the driveway, house in view, I got the familiar lump in my throat from months earlier. I wanted to turn back and run home, I tried rationalizing this choice in my head - I wasn�t ready for this, I was going to ruin Mike and Darcy�s day because I knew I wouldn�t be able to maintain composure. My feet were moving steadily and before I realized, I was knocking on the front door, very quietly. I hadn�t thought of what I would say, but when no one came to the door my heart stopped beating so furiously. As I turned to walk away I muttered �that was close,� and the door swung open�
As I walked into your house, your Mom held me in her arms for what felt like an hour. We were both silently crying, just standing there hugging. We made our way through the kitchen into the front room where your Dad was, I hugged him � still crying. We all sat on the couch together; the couch where I last saw you. I remember talking about the Plan of Salvation, Eternal Families and the Atonement. Your Mom was expressing her gratitude for the knowledge that she would be with you again for Eternity, when I saw both your Parents� countenances change� � they seemed to be at ease, comforted. I had been praying for months for that comfort to surround me. I can�t describe the feeling that overwhelmed me; the lump was back � bigger than ever. I couldn�t talk, so I did what comes second to me � I cried. Like you, I was born into the Covenant. However, I wasn�t truly converted until that day - sitting on the couch with your parents. I had never fully appreciated the gift of Christ�s Atonement, until that day.
Since that day there have only been a few instances where I have felt such a strong appreciation for Christ�s Atonement. Since Elle was born, I feel it far more frequently. She is such a blessing in my life; I have never been so in love. Knowing that no matter what happens on this earthly life, I have the opportunity to live with her and the rest of my family for eternity is such a comfort. The Plan of Salvation has taught me who I am, where I come from and where I�m going.
I fully understood and accepted the Plan of Salvation before coming to Earth, knowing I would be physically separated from God and knowing that each of us would eventually die. I know that I am a literal child of God and that I lived with him in the Premortal Life. I am so thankful for agency, knowing my eternal progression is contingent upon how I use this gift. I am so thankful that our Heavenly Father made a way for you to be close. That he loves me enough to send his Son, my Brother, to die for me - providing a way for me to return to him.
Jaxon I love and miss you. I always will and always want to.
279 AlinaJanuary 22, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? Good Friends
Wow time has flown by. I miss you! You were the bestest friend anybody could ever ask of. Thanks for everything you ever did.:) Love you tons.
278 Jake January 21, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? best friend
jaxon some how i ened up at your house tonight. i really cant believe that it has been 5 years . its amazin how you impacted me and the choices ive made on the last 5 years. i want you and everyone who reads this to know is that you are the best friend anyone could ever ask for i wouldnt trade our teenage years for the world. thanks for every thing love you jake
277 darcyJanuary 21, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? mom
Hey Jax-Man, Today was a little hard as I reflected on that day 5 years ago. I remember our last telephone conversation. You needed our credit card to pay for your dentist bill - the last thing you needed to do for your missionary paperwork. You were so excited about the hockey that night. Our last words - "Good luck on the game son. Thanks - I love you guys. Love you son. Love you Jax-Man. Call us after the game." I am so grateful that was our last words to each other. I don't expect anyone but us to remember the day you left; however, I am deeply touched by so many phone calls, cards, special gifts and beautiful flowers - that we received today - Everyone thinking of you and of us as your family. We have wonderful friends Jaxon and they love you and they love us. We are tremendously blessed by your life and your example. We have memories that make us laugh, memories that make us cry, and memories that make us want to be better and memories that will never be forgotten. Thanks. I felt your presence while in the temple and I do know that we have an eternal family. Love to all our friends and love to you son. Love mom
276 Ronna OlsenJanuary 21, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? Jaxon is my Nephew
Sure do miss you Jaxon and think of you all the time. Five years since you left us and it seems a lifetime. Memories of you make me smile, I am still taking good care of your sea shell's.
275 jayme GuecoJanuary 21, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? Cousin
I just want to share one of my favorite memories with Jaxon. Most of you probably know that we come from a large, very close family.Even though Jaxon and I were several years apart both of our families grew up together. whether it was fishing, hunting, ice skating and sledding in his back yard, the Fugate's and the Logan's were always close. The last family reunion that we had with Jaxon was held in Utah. Not to surprisingly, My husband Chad, Chauri, Jaxon and I got to share a tent outside of Grandpa's house. There was this one night that the four of us just had the giggles. Everything was funny no matter what was said or done. Jaxon had this blue "mummy" sleeping bag that he was sleeping in. He thought that he was being pretty clever and decided to sintch the string to the opening tied until just his eyes and big smile showed through. He looked like and Alaskan worm. I just remember all four of us laughing so hard that our stomaches just ached, while people outside the city of tents would yell at us for being to loud. It was such a great time. We took pictures of it as blackmail. Hahha. I have many more memories with Jaxon and those memories are what make me smile a lot of the time. He will always be missed and he was truly loved by me.
274 RachelJanuary 21, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
Just wanted to say hello today! Love you Jaxon!
273 SaraJanuary 21, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? ...
Jax, You will forever remain in my mind and heart. As you know, things here are good. It's always interesting what life holds for us, sometimes catching us by suprise.
Love you bunches, thanks for everything.
272 TaraJanuary 21, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
Hi jax just thinking of you and your smile. Sure love and miss you. You should see your little nephew Briggs he has your smile, but I am sure you already knew that. miss you xoxoxo
271 John LoganJanuary 21, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? He's my cousin
Love you, man. I know I'll see you again.
: )
270 MichaelJanuary 21, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? Dad
Thinking of you. All is well here.
269 CortneyJanuary 21, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? Sis
Love you buddy. XO
268 RachieJanuary 15, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
Wow, has it seriously been that long! I was just browsing the BYU Hockey website and saw they still had info about Jaxon on there, I will be wearing a number 11 this up coming Jan 21 and want to tell his family and other friends hello! Remember to always give 110% in everything you do, Jaxon did and was a great example of how to love and live life to the fullest!
267 JacobJanuary 12, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? brother
love ya
266 LauraJanuary 10, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? Aunt
It's cold here Jax. Went to the Ice Dogs vs. Avalanche games this weekend. You were so on my mind. I love watching the boys skate. Kelsey's just about ready to put in his mission papers. Thanks for the help.
265 ChauriJanuary 2, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? Sister
Love you lil bro...
264 DarcyJanuary 1, 2010
How did you know Jaxon? mom
Another year, but time is probably insignificant to you. We had the Bohman's over for dinner, and afterwards, they all sang. As I sat and listened, I could imagine you being right there with them. It was so good to see Tylan. I hope you can stay close to him. Brett and Jenny Willardson were home for Christmas and their baby is so cute. It was neat to watch Brett with his little boy. I thought of you and how much you love little kids.....and the thought came.....what if you were still with us...what would your life be like? Now I just wonder what you life is like right now. I do know you are happy...I sense that, which does my heart good. Happy New Year son. Love mom
263 SaraDecember 31, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? ...
Hey Jax, I've been thinking of you and all the Logan Clan during this Christmas season, especially when I picked out a new nativity!! Christmas decorations always remind me of your Mom... and therefore you. Rock on, Buddy. Thanks for everything!
262 CortneyDecember 28, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? Sis
Hey Jax, It's Daddy's birthday today. Anytime there is a family event, I think about us all being together. We had a lot of fun over Thanksgiving - but I always feel that void, knowing you aren't physically with us. I was able to be with Momma, Daddy, Dustin, Melinda and the kids a couple weeks ago for Heathers wedding. Today, Daddy's birthday, I wish we could all be together. I love you buddy. I miss you. I hope your Christmas was as peaceful as ours was. xo
261 sydneyDecember 25, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? friens
Hey Jax,

I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and your family on Christmas. I love you!
260 LauraDecember 12, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? aunt
Hey Jax, You'll be meeting a friend of ours. Give her a hug and tell her we love her. Share our Heavenly Fathers love for her also. Amber and the boys sure miss you. Thanks for all of your great examples and encouragement that you gave us.
259 LisaDecember 7, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
Thinking of you Jax.....thinking of you.
258 DarcyDecember 6, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? mom
First - thanks Dustin for the spelling correction - I must have been tired that night....I am sure Jaxon laughed. And my son...I sure miss you. I always think about you more at Christmas, as it was the last time we were all together. There are still tears, which I am sure will last a life time. There is peace with the tears. Hope your Christmas season is wonderful. It is what brings peace to the rest of life. I love you son...both of my sons and my beautiful daughters and all of my wonderful grandchildren. You are all my greatest joy - including Michael - the love of my life. Merry Christmas. Love to you all. Darcy
257 jacobNovember 11, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? brother
hey man i was think about you today i sure do miss you. love ya man, so at my wedding, i saw cortney walking across the room and man yall look so much alike it was like i almost saw you there i miss ya man
256 DustinNovember 11, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? Big Bro
Hey Jax, I just was thinking about BYU Hockey and thought that I would come and check on the site. It's still here. We told the rest of the family so I thought that I should tell you too. You are going to be an uncle again. Our little family is really starting to grow. We are going to wait to tell everyone once Melinda gets a little farther along. (So if someone is reading this you have to pretend you didn't just read this.) Anyway, we are really excited. I am a bit nervous since Melinda had a miscarriage with the last one, but feel good about it. It's snowing today - very peaceful. Well that's about it. Oh - and mom it's spelled puck not puke. That would be gross.
255 SaraNovember 9, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? ...
Hey Jax, just wanted to say hi. I see you are in the hearts of many lately, as always. You have touched many of us.... Love you lots, rock on!
254 Billy RoseOctober 31, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? family
Hey AJ... man I miss you... not a day goes by when you aren't in my thoughts... thank you for all the hugs... you are always there when I need them most. I was in my picture album not too long ago and there we were newborns sitting on a couch, easter egg hunting, x-mas parties, halloweens, 8th grade promotion, prom, fishing and I could go on for days... I can't wait for all the good times to come! Until that day keep doing what you do best... bless the lives of others! I love you!
253 DarcyOctober 28, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? mom
Hey Jax ~ I gathered all of your turtles at the cemetary and brought them home for the winter. Then in the spring - I will bring them back. I love visiting there during all of the seasons. In the winter I love the peacefulness of the white snow, the spring for the newness of the plants, the summer for the beautiful flowers and the fall for the change of colors. And most of all for the hope that some day there will be a resurrection and we will be all together again. And until then, I will continue to care of your special spot. I send you a big hug and kiss. Love your mom
252 JacobOctober 19, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? brother
hey jax so last night i had this dream for like for like hours that we were hanging out. it was nice. i love ya bro ROCK ON!!!
251 DarcyOctober 17, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? mom
Tonight I went with Xander to his hockey class. He is learning how to skate. He looked so cute with his little skates and hockey stick. Hockey is already in his blood. It brought back so memories watching you and Dustin when you were little guys - learning how to skate. I remember watching you push the little chair around our backyard ice skating rink - at about the same age. I stopped at your memorial glass case that hangs in the Palmer rink and looked at your pictures, your story, hockey pukes, your jersey. It is such a wonderful tribute to you. Little Jacob (Jacob Jaxon Logan) came running up behind me. He said, "grandma, is that Uncle Jaxon's hockey puke?" He knew exactly who you were. It was kind of emotional for me. I felt a sense of loss in my heart - just for a moment. I am so grateful you were in our lives. Sleep good, work hard, and know we love you. Love and kisses - mom
250 DarcyOctober 9, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? mom
Hey Jaxon - just wanted to see your pictures before I went to bed tonight. You are still just as handsome and cute as ever. I loved the way you could always make me laugh....even if I wanted to be upset with you. I miss that dang cute smile. I miss you. I wish at times you could be here with us or we could be there with you...just for a moment. It is about time to bring all your turtles home from the cemetary for the winter. Your spot is beautiful during the summer with all the flowers and your turtle collection, and then in the winter it is so peaceful with the blanket of snow. I always feel at peace when I go there. I know you are not there, but I somehow feel you are with me when I sit on your bench and look at your special place. I don't know if you are aware of what I write, but it gives me a place to write my feelings and thoughts for the day. I love you son. Good night. Love mom
249 jacobOctober 9, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? brother
love ya buddy rock on
248 DarcySeptember 17, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? mom
Juat thinking about you tonight son and want you to know that I love and miss you. I so often wonder what you are doing. I wish I could see you for a moment. I guess that is why I love having your pictures all around the house or little turtles tucked here or there that remind me of you. It just seems to keep you close. I continue to learn more about this life, our purpose, and are destination. It becomes more and more important to me to have my life reflect a good heart....just like yours. I loveyou. I send you a big hug and kiss. Good night Jax. Love mom
247 JeffSeptember 2, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? Brother
Hey buddy. I made some subtle changes to the site tonight. Can't let your site go out of style!
246 BrittanyAugust 28, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? Friend
I was going through all my stuff and found a video of all of us from BYU! It was great to see you. I miss you so much! Love you
245 DarcyAugust 27, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? mom
Hi Jax-Man, you are an uncle again - Chauri delivered a month early. It was pretty scary for several hours because she had extremely high blood pressure and she and the baby were in danger. I am so grateful all went well - and little Briggs Ryan was born - 5 lbs and 11 oz. So, you have another little nephew to watch over. He will know his uncle Jaxon - just like all the rest of them. Sure love you son. Enjoy heaven. Love mom
244 MichaelAugust 19, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? Father
Jax, I got a call from Kelsy this morning letting me know how good fishing at Jim Creek was. I thought of all the mornings we went together to slay the Silvers. Fishing has been good this summer, Dustin however continues to out fish this Old Guy, but I still have fun. How is fishing in Paradise? Save me a spot for when I get there. Dad
243 taraAugust 3, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? friend/sister
HI Jax,

Just wanted to tell you hi and how much I love and miss you. I was over at your parent's house the other day and I couldn't help but see your face. It seems like yesterday when me and your sister were pestering you and you were ripping up a tissue box:) I will never forget that. Love you so much Jaxon and think about you all the time.
242 MaryJuly 26, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? Kenny's mom
Jaxon, I was wondering if you could help Kenny find his way. He is so lost and needs help. I think about you and your family often.
241 Darcy July 21, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? mom
Thank you for the sweet message. Jax was my nickname for our Jaxon - so they have a lot in common. We would love for your son to wear number 11 in remembrance another great young man - named Jaxon. Thanks for taking the time to write. It really means a lot. I just thought I would take a few minutes and look at his website before going to bed - just because I was missing him tonight, and found your message. It touches my heart that his influence is still felt. May your Jaxon bring as much joy to your life, as our Jaxon brings to ours. Darcy
240 ...July 15, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? I did not know Jaxon
Let me first say that I am very sorry for your loss. I did not know Jaxon or about his passing until I saw it on the internet. It stuck out to me b/c I have a 16 month named Jaxon who constantly plays hockey in the living room (as much as a 16 month old can I guess). I played for about 12 years with 3 years in college until I tore up my knee. Jax seems to inherited my love for the game. He is constantly bringing me one of the sticks so that he and I can play together. He scored his first "goal" last week when he swung at the ball and somehow managed to peg it top shelf in the right corner of the little goal that we have set up - I've never had a prouder moment. I know it's at least a couple of years out until my Jax begins actually playing but when he does, if it is ok with you, I would like him to wear number 11 out of respect for who your son was and continues to be in heaven.
239 SaraJuly 9, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? ...
The sunrise was GORGEOUS this morning, don't you think? I love driving to work early in the morning and feeling like the world is still calm and quiet, it is that special time when I feel like it's just us. Until morning... Thanks for everything.
238 SaraMay 28, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? ...
Hey Jax, Thanks for the song... It always brings a smile to my face. Love you tons, Buddy. Thanks for everything.
237 ChauriMay 14, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? sister
Happy Birthday Jax. Hope you are having a wonderful day. You have been on my mind a lot lately. Have fun with our little guy until he comes to see us. We love you.
236 Darcy LoganMay 14, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? mon
Hey my wonderful son ~ Happy birthday. The sun is out, the trees are green and it is a beautiful day. I am going to take your turtles back to your garden for the summer. You have a couple of new ones from some special friends. Yesterday, I presented the Jaxon Kent Logan scholarship to a young man named Garrett Stortz. He is a hockey player too and a wonderful young man who is kind and caring. It felt so good to talk a little about you and to share who you are. Thanks son for 23 wonderful years of memories that keep coming. Happy Birthday. Love Mom
235 CortneyMay 14, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? sister
Happy Birthday Jax. I'll be thinking about you today. I think I might even make you a birthday cake. I know everyone at work will appreciate it! Kennedy is home now and doing much better. It was pretty scary there for a while. She was a sick little girl. It crossed my mind many times that you might be there comforting her. I miss you. Happy birthday.
234 SaraMay 13, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? ...
Hey Jax, Happy Birthday, Buddy! I know you probably don't count them anymore... but down here it is a date that makes me feel closer to you. I love having our birthdays close together, I've always said that the coolest people were born in May!! :)
Love you Buddy... enjoy yourself, this is "your day" after all.
233 DarcyMay 8, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? mom
Hey Jaxon - if you can help little Kennedy, please by with her while she is sick. Love you. Mom
232 DarcyApril 28, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? mom
Hey Jax-Man, just thinking about you tonight. It is just about time to plant your flower garden. I always think of you when I think about my gardening - you didn't like to do it, but you always enjoyed the results. I keep collecting turtles. Adi brought over a new one for your collection. You would really like this one. I know she misses you. It showed in her eyes. Your friends love you Jaxon. You have had such a wonderful influence on so many. It touches me to see their love for you...and for us. And as you know - Jacob is engaged to a wonderful young woman - Lisa. I am so happy he has found someone - and I am sure you are too. Well Jax - I love you. Good night son. Love mom
231 SaraApril 10, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? ...
Hey Jax, just wanted to say hi. I hope you are having as much fun where you are as we are here. Life is always full of ups and downs, hopefully more ups. Thanks for everything...
230 sydneyApril 2, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? highschool friend...
wow..jax..It has been some time now but I think of you and that warm and pure smile so often. I just wanted to let you know what an impact you had on me...there are few people that you meet in this world that make you want to be a better person and I can honestly say whenever I was around you I wanted to better myself. I love you
229 ChauriMarch 28, 2009
How did you know Jaxon? Sister
Hey there...well I guess it is ok to let the world know now that Ryan and I are expecting. Take good care of this little one up there. Tell it lots of good stories about Ryan and I! We love and miss you Jax and think about you often. I wish you were here to meet Ryan. You guys would have gotten along so well. He could really use a snow maching buddy. Love and miss you. xoxo
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